Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My first post.
im sure balls will think tha there is a better way to do this

g'day from ure mentor

very nice work young Klink, i see that whilst u are a shmendrik in terms of golf vs soccer matters, you are nonetheless somewhat useful, having created this blog, something i would have otherwise expected from leaping lio...(my approach in STARK contrast to Jack and the graduating class of 99's policy is to never refer to anyone with the usage of male oragns as part of their nick name)...but you gotta change the background color , it is disturbingly dark...it's enough that the pez here is a schvartzeh, i don't need this blog to be as well...

good luck fellas, go the J's!
i think this should work when i post it will send u a notification let me know if u get it
ye possibly maybe we can do that when most ppl are bowling but when jack bowls or keeps ill be down back
Time to move forward. I think that Ash K's main strength is his feilding when he is on song. When he is jumping around close to the batsman and saving the ones and creating chances, it puts them under a heap of pressure. I honestly think the team is best served with him up front. He is probably the best fielder we have up close, it is all about reaction time up there, and mine aint that great anymore. I am better suited down back at the left. That is the way we were fielding for many seasons and I think we need to go back to that.


testing this thing out